sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015


Por Evy Basma


Imagine yourself in love, your boyfriend, missing you, begging you to send him a nude picture of yourself. Would you do it ?

If so :  Imagine that you break up, that you made him angry. Imagine that these pictures end up in a porn site ! It's not a nightmare, it is so common, that it has made a new money industry in the porn world.

And it has a name : REVENGEPORN

Everyday hundreds of nude pictures of  X-girlfriends are uploaded in a pornrevenge site.

Imagine yourself getting e-mails and telephone calls from hundreds of men that have seen your nudepicture, the one that you privately sent to your boyfriend, the one that you thought you could trust.

You enter the site to see if it is true...
And you will find your picture along with your street adress , your facebook profile, your tel.number...
You enter your personal e-mail, and find mail from unknown men, wanting to get to know you, or hate letters, because they think you are a slut... as your x boyfriend commented on your picture when he posted it. He wants revenge, for you leaving him, and he found his way. The cruelest and most dangerous way to do it. Humiliate you and put you in danger.

It is a nightmare, but it happes to normal girls. Girls like you and me.

Nearly half of all young girls have taken nude pictures with their iPads and iPhones.
One third of the pictures will be sent to a boy.

Few countries have managed to stop revengeporn sites.  Israel, Germany, United Kingdom and half of the American states  have laws to close these sites down.
But anyway, even if the sites are shut down, your picture has been downloaded and can be found in any pornsite around the world.

Imagine your boyfriend missing you, asking you for a nude picture, what would you do?

Well, I would answer him this :

What happened to poetry ? Send me a poem, a romantic poem, and I will send you a poem of my naked soul, in love with you. I will dress off in words, let you know places still not seen, let you listen   to my silent words written with heartbeats. I will show you my nude soul in words that will beat forever.

And if you split up... well... let the poem be downloaded by anyone, may they last forever !

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