martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013


by Vickyvananda
"Las Patronas” is a group of women who are dedicated to assisting the migrants who travel from Central, South America and Mexico and who pass through the town of “Esperanza” in the state of Veracruz, México. Las Patronas help migrants in many different ways; giving them food, helping them to find relatives, helping pregnant women, helping those who have been injured, raped and / or mutilated during their arduous trip.
Ignorant of the large, underlying and sombre, “migrant business”, they ask themselves: “What would we do if the same thing happened to our sons?” This supposes to be their motive.
The group Las Patronas has emerged as the result of economic “globalization”, whereby migrants - all over the world – search for “the American dream” - travelling extensively, crossing borders illegally and finding employment in first world countries.
A constant flow of migrants mainly from Central and South America, who dare to dream of a better life, risk their lives on a train (called the "train of death" by some, others simply call it "La Bestia," or the "the beast.") that they board illegally on the Guatemala-Mexico border (Chiapas, México) and which eventually takes them to the North of Mexico and the USA border, and not all survive the journey.
Some of the video-links which describe their lives can be found at the bottom. [1][2][3][4][5][6]
Other facts to consider
It is human nature to emigrate.
Several studies indicate that the main factors that influence migration are: wars (violence and economic instability), hunger (produced by the same wars due to socio-political instability), “natural disasters" (hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.) and culture, among others.[7][8]                                     
Migrants create a substantial inflow of foreign currency.
In 2012, The World Bank reported in that remittances from the USA to Latin America averaged $350 USD monthly per migrant.
In 2012, the censuses office of the United States registered a total of 31.7 million Hispanics, of whom 20 million are Mexican. Remittances received in Mexico in the year 2012 were of approximately 26 million dollars. [9]
The income from remittances, in comparison with the foreign investments in the year 2012, is almost the same. In the year 2011, nine Mexican federative entities received more than 1000 million dollars through remittances. Also, these external resources are equivalent to more than five percentage points of the Gross National Product in five states in the country.[10]
Migrants: Predominantly Female
Actually, it is reported that the number of Latin American migrants in the US is predominantly female (55 to 70 %).[11]
Adolescent migrants
The number adolescent migrants in the USA, whose parents did not survive the trip to the frontier and the entry across the border, has tripled.[12]              
The “Business”
Arrangements between the immigrant “carriers” and migration agents facilitate the transfer of immigrants. An undocumented person pays between seven and thirty thousand dollars to cross the territory. Each year 140 thousand of immigrants pass through Mexico illegally.[13]
The anthropologists say: “...So it is relevant to discover and study the activities carried out by Las Patronas and investigate the new actions that certain associations are taking to heal these social issues while the State turns a blind eye without intervening.[14]
The work of “Las Patronas” arises from the need to contra-arrest the organised and criminal migrant “business” that promotes corruption, profits at the cost of many persons lives and also that promotes domestication, prostitution and slavery. Between fifty-five and seventy per cent of the migrants are women who receive very little payment by doing “anything” that is asked of them.
In this “business”, everybody wins: those who carry migrants to the borders, the thieves who steal from them the little they have, those who rape and prostitute women on there way, the kidnappers who are paid rescue money, the police that earn bribes for every migrant who they allow to get through, those who host the migrants, the drivers who transport migrants in their trucks to the frontier, the country that receive currencies from those who made it to the United States and are working, the banks, the exchange houses, etc.
The countries involved have called our attention to the “Las Patronas” activities and even supporting them so that they are able to continue in their altruistic work.
What have the governments done to solve this social, political, economical and cultural problem?  They have let this migrant business to continue. It is a big business! Everybody wins . . . except the migrants . . . especially the women migrants!
Probably “Las Patronas” will not gain anything, but perhaps they will become famous.
How, from such a dastardly “business” - can that spirit of solidarity, love and hope- emerge from these “Patronas” – from these women who see beyond race or creed?
Women have a different nature which needs to be discovered.
It doesn’t correspond to our present lifestyle.
Without any culture, women will keep searching within the paradigms which have been imposed to us!


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